This past week we`ve placed five new investigators with baptismal dates. The best part is that four our of the five are showing up to church, which shows serious interest. One of them, Hipòlito, is just a friendly cute little man. He`s so happy every time we make the trip to his home, which is just a hop, skip, and a 20 minute bus ride away! Haha but it`s so worth it. The last time we visited, I had low spirits because we had just come from being rejected by some investigators who were fed misinformation about the church. But after teaching Hipòlito and feeling the Spirit so strongly during the lesson, I couldn`t help but leave with a smile. There`s an older sister in the ward who befriended him and who lives pretty near his house. She`s single and he`s single and.......well we think that she might have some interest in him. Haha old love. Yeah........kinda weird. But they`re just friends and nothing more.
The other four investigators are part of partial member families. The best part about working with incative partial member families is that it gives us a chance to help the whole familiy come back to the church. Antuane, Alex, and Milusca from the Villaroel family are going to be baptized on the 19th of January and Cristian Jesus, whose aunt is a member, is getting baptized on the same date. What great blessings!
Anyway, here in Peru they have what`s called "Chocolatada" where the whole branch or ward comes together to drink hot chocolate and panetòn, a fruit cake type bread that actually tastes good. So last Saturday we did just that and as I watched all the members laugh and enjoy each other`s company, I realized how much I really do love being a missionary. Even though I`m thousands of miles away from home, missing all the turkey, presents, and christmas music, I`m so happy to be here. Christmas time really is about giving service, and that`s the greatest satisfaction we can ever feel.
To end my letter I want to share a scripture from Alma 34:29. Sorry because I only have my spanish scriptures but I love how simple the message is. If we don`t forget ourselves and look for those opportunities to serve, we have no foundation on which to base ourselves and become trampled by men. But when we serve and love others, we can depend on other people to look after us in those times of trouble in our own lives to bear us up.
I love you all so much and have a Merry Christmas!
Elder Lundberg
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